Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions state how Haywood Farm Vets Ltd operates, and must be agreed upon as part of client registration, before the provision of veterinary services.


The business objective of Haywood Farm Vets Ltd is “to work alongside farmers to improve livestock health, welfare and productivity”. Our focus is on forward planning to prevent, reduce or eliminate disease incidence and provide quality, evidence based advice to improve the sustainability, profitability and health status of your farm business for the future. We achieve this through using highly trained vets who are dedicated to a future in the farming sector, alongside knowledgeable, committed support staff, ensuring that Haywood Farm Vets Ltd delivers the highest level of service to its clients, farms and animals under our care.

Health planning is a fundamental part of the service that Haywood Farm Vets Ltd provides, helping to maximise productivity, sustainability and health of your herd. This is achieved through ongoing, pre-planned, mutually agreed and scheduled reviews of: infectious disease status and control plans, fertility parameters, udder health, calf health, youngstock worming, vaccine plans and medicines reviews, as well as the annual statutory Herd Health Plan Review. All clients that milk record, or have on-farm software, will have access to in-depth data analysis through Total Vet.

Prices and charges

The pricing system is designed to encourage the most efficient use of our expertise and services, and to provide good value for money to our clients. It is an integral part of the business model to deliver honest, fair and transparent trading throughout the supply chain, from manufacturers to wholesalers to labs, as well as within Haywood Farm Vets Ltd.

The monthly vet bill comprises of three sets of charges:

  • Service fees including visit fees
  • Medicine, supplies and consumables
  • Lab fees

Visit fees

Pre-booked regular (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) fertility visit fees are discounted as these are a commitment from both sides and allow us to organise the vets time efficiently. These visits are booked in with your specific vet, on a set day, at a set time and on an ongoing basis to ensure we can forward plan our other work around this. We will always prioritise your regular vet to carry out your fertility work, maintaining your relationship and rapport, but there will be an agreed, nominated second vet in case of illness, holiday or absence.

All other visits will incur a standard visit fee, and any visits after 6pm or before 8.30am will incur an out of hours visit fee. Our standard working hours are 8.30am until 4.30pm but the out of hours fee won't apply until 6pm.

Professional time

The charge for professional time covers the cost of providing a qualified veterinary surgeon and also all the necessary fixed costs of providing a 24 hour, seven days a week service. A significant amount of time is also spent by vets working in the lab and reporting lab results, providing telephone support and reviewing data analysis using Total Vet as part of the overall package we provide.

The vast majority of our service fees are charged on the time taken to perform the task i.e. on a “boots on boots off” basis - and certainly doesn't include time taken for a brew or a chat! Allowances and discounts are made for slow working such as newer graduates or when working with students.

Some services such as caesareans and surgical procedures are fixed prices to ensure a consistent pricing model for repeated surgery, and to allow for different operating speeds. All surgical procedures will include a transparent breakdown on the invoice to detail the operation, a kit and consumables package, the package of essential medicines required for the surgery and the vets antibiotic choice added on top.


Haywood Farm Vets Ltd. works closely with XLVets, manufactures and wholesalers to help ensure that a secure supply of essential medicines are available at a competitive price. Any interruptions to normal medicine supply will be identified and communicated promptly, and alternatives will be made available if at all possible.

We aim to work alongside clients to review and pre-plan medicine use to ensure that in every instance we prioritise prevention, as well as considering best treatment, so that medicines are used only when necessary, are used appropriately and stored correctly. Clients will be able to pre-order their agreed medicines and vaccines on a regular basis and these can be supplied and delivered at a very competitive price, reducing the need for “just in case medicines” from car boots or from the pharmacy. Medicines coming out of car boots or from the pharmacy will be supplied in whole bottles or boxes to help minimise stock wastage.

Lab fees

Haywood Farm Vets Ltd. will carry out lab tests both in-house and by outsourcing to regional labs. All results will be reported within 24 hours of receipt, and you will get a copy of those lab results sent as an email or as a hard copy for your results section of your Herd Health Plan. The charge for the lab fees will be transparent and any in depth reporting of these lab results will be charged on top.


We value all our clients and want our pricing and service to reflect that commitment. Considered medicine purchasing and pre-planned fertility visits, health reviews and lab fees allow us to operate most efficiently; ensuring a valuable, cost-effective and future proof input on your farm, and so this pre-planned work will be charged at discounted rates.

Standard terms

We combine all veterinary charges, including services, medicines and lab fees, into one monthly invoice. This will be raised and distributed by email on the 1st of each month. Our standard terms are for settlement by BACS on or before the 28th of that month.

We reserve the right to charge interest of 2.5% on accounts more than 30 days in arrears.

Clients who have debts with the practice greater than 60 days will not be provided with any routine veterinary service and same day BACS payment is required for any medicines. Only an emergency service will be provided.

In the case of clients who have debts with the practice greater than 180 days we will enter into discussions about our future working relationship. We may seek to regain the outstanding monies through legal procedures and we may ask you to use another veterinary practice to care for your stock.


On request Haywood Farm Vets will provide a written prescription for any medication prescribed by the veterinary surgeon for animals under his/her care. Written prescriptions will normally be for a maximum of two months' supply of drugs, but this may vary depending on the nature of the condition. 24 hours' notice is required to prepare a prescription. A fee will be charged for the issue of written veterinary prescriptions.


We hope that you never have recourse to complain about the standards of service received from Haywood Farm Vets Ltd. However, if there is a matter you wish to bring to our attention, an improvement you wish to suggest, or if you need some clarification about the service you receive, then please don't hesitate to get in touch, directing your comments in the first instance to a senior member of staff, who will always make time to listen to your feedback.

Copyright statement

All the photographs and images on this site are copyright and you are required to have prior permission to use, borrow or display any photograph or text from this website.

Haywood Farm Vets Ltd asserts their moral, commercial and intellectual rights to be known as the author of the works produced and displayed on this website. All the photographs and images on this website are copyright and are not licensed for gain, commercial or public use or use in the public domain.

All rights reserved Haywood Farm Vets Ltd ©2020 – 2024 (Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988).